
YGG Anniversary Show

The College is looking for Alumni and former teachers who have been a member of the award winning ‘Young, Gifted and Green’, were you a member of the Prep or College Choir? or were you an Irish musician, singer or dancer in one of the shows, we are hoping to unite all...
Bede’s News 28 June 2019

Bede’s News 28 June 2019

‘Brekekekex Koax Koax’ The St. Bede’s Classics Department presented the inaugural Greek Dramatic production this week, the comedic tour de force that is: Aristophanes’ Frogs. The Headmaster’s Lawn resounded to the sound of ancient comedic stylings whilst picnicking on...

Bede’s News 21 June 2019

We were delighted to welcome Bishop Thomas McMahon, former Bishop of Brentwood and a former pupil of the College, to celebrate a Mass for donors to its Bursary Fund. The bishop, who retired in 2014, spoke in his homily of eucharist, hospitality and ethos being at the...
Bede’s News 14 June 2019

Bede’s News 14 June 2019

St Bede’s College and St Bede’s Prep are delighted to announce that from September, we will see the exciting reintroduction of our girls’ football programmes. With the women’s game growing annually in both popularity and engagement, St Bede’s will provide all of our...

Bede’s News 7 June 2019

Upper Third and Lower Fourth pupils have raised a magnificent total of £700 for Mary’s Meals by reading! They were asked to set themselves a reading challenge and ask family and friends to sponsor them in order to support the charity which provides meals at school for...