Bede’s News 16 November 2018

Bede’s News 16 November 2018

A sell out show on every night and a protean range of talent on display made this a quite unforgettable production. The audience were transported to Baltimore, USA in 1962 where one girl is determined to challenge colour segregation in spite of the disapproval of...

Prep 5 World War I Commemoration Assembly

The Prep 5 assembly this year focused on remembrance of those who lost their lives during World War I. The assembly started with a look back on the former pupils of St Bede’s who died during the war. They then presented a piece about Vera Brittain whose diaries as a...

Harvest 2018

Prep 6 led the whole school in this year’s harvest festival celebration, ‘Autumn Harvest’. The assembly used the cultural diversity of the pupils in Prep 6 to showcase how the harvest is celebrated throughout the world. Following a vibrant Bollywood-style opening...
Bede’s News 9 November 2018

Bede’s News 9 November 2018

On Friday 9 November all the pupils and staff gathered for a Remembrance Day Service. This service is always particularly poignant within the College, as in total one hundred and twenty three Bedians have fallen in service to their country. Many of whom are...
Prep 5 Visit Quarry Bank Mill

Prep 5 Visit Quarry Bank Mill

As part of their Victorian Topic in history Prep 5 visited Quarry Bank Mill to complement their learning on the lives of working Victorian Children. During the day the children visited the Apprentice House where they learned that Victorian children would start work at...