Bede’s News 25 September 2020

Bede’s News 25 September 2020

Yesterday, our school counsellor, Lisa Cameron held an assembly with our year 9 students to raise awareness about mental health and wellbeing. Lisa is passionate about children’s mental health and wanted to pass on her knowledge and experience to empower the students...
Bede’s News 18 September 2020

Bede’s News 18 September 2020

Pupils in the Upper Third have spent time in the Chapel this week focussing on their individuality and uniqueness. Although they have not been able to celebrate the ‘Welcome Mass’, they are working on projects with Mrs Hibbert, College Chaplain, to formally welcome...
Bede’s News 11 September 2020

Bede’s News 11 September 2020

Congratulations to alumni Deacon David Irwin on his diaconate on 25 July. Deacon David is training to be a priest at the Venerable English College in Rome for the Shrewsbury Diocese. Please continue to pray for him as he begins his ministry and for his ordination next...

Bede’s News 4 September 2020

Thank you to everyone for your kind words of encouragement and support as we begin our new term. I am delighted to welcome everyone back. We are so proud of you all. It is wonderful to see pupils in the playground and visit classrooms where lessons are taking place. I...
Bede’s News GCSE Edition

Bede’s News GCSE Edition

It was a pleasure to see so many happy faces as the GCSE results were distributed. After the pressures of recent weeks, this talented cohort can look forward to beginning their A level studies having excelled in their examinations. Jessica N scored a perfect 11 grade...