Bede’s News 17 September 2021

Bede’s News 17 September 2021

It has been a busy first week back in the History, Politics and Classics Department. Our co-curricular offerings began with a bang. Last Thursday, the Classics Club had a lively session learning about the Roman army. It was delightfully well attended and as can be...
Autumn Newsletter

Autumn Newsletter

Dear Parents, What you hold in your hands is the first of what we hope will become a regular newsletter to help us build closer links with parents. As a Catholic school, we are deeply mindful you are the first and most important educators of your children and that we...
Bede’s News 10 September 2021

Bede’s News 10 September 2021

At the end of a busy first week, the Lower Sixth have had an opportunity to have a day away from regular lessons in order to bond socially and to participate in a range of enrichment activities. After an informal assembly given by Dr McMonagle, the students...
Bede’s News A Level & GCSE

Bede’s News A Level & GCSE

We were delighted to see this year’s A Level cohort build on their excellent GCSE results from two years ago. Rachel B is heading to York to study Biochemistry and joining her will be Amelie M studying Molecular Biology. Emily K is delighted to take up her place at...
Bede’s News 2 July 2021

Bede’s News 2 July 2021

On one of the hottest days of the year so far, our pupils showed real grit and determination and delivered a very competitive performance, without buckling under the heat. Mr Power was the voice of the day marshalling competitors to the start of events and encouraging...