Bede’s News 5 February 2021

Bede’s News 5 February 2021

On Tuesday 2 February I was proud to have the opportunity to visit Salford Foodbank to drop off various items of food, as well as money I had collected, to support their amazing efforts to help feed hungry families throughout Salford. I asked my neighbours in Monton...
Bede’s News 29 January 2021

Bede’s News 29 January 2021

This year the school has commemorated Holocaust Memorial Day remotely, focusing not only on the horrors of the genocide of the 1940s but also by exploring the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust’s theme for this year: Be the Light in the Darkness. The lower school learned...
Bede’s News 22 January 2021

Bede’s News 22 January 2021

Following on from last week here is an update on Ben and Cahner as they battle with Storm Christoph and snow to raise money to buy tablets for Divine Mercy Primary School. They have raised £2070 and are now a third of the way through the challenge. The money raised so...
Bede’s News 15 January 2021

Bede’s News 15 January 2021

Research has proven that singing promotes health and happiness. Everyone knows how much we enjoy music and performing at St Bede’s. If you would like to take part in singing each week join Miss Smith in the Choir on teams every Thursday 1.30-1.50pm. Students, please...
Bede’s News 8 January 2021

Bede’s News 8 January 2021

Nurse Taylor, Science Technicians, Administrative Staff and the SLT have been extremely busy this week setting up the Academic Hall as a testing station for our staff and the children of critical workers. Nurse Taylor has ensured that staff involved in the testing...