
Bede’s News 18 December 2020

We were inundated with messages this week, describing small acts of kindness from across the Bedian community. Breakfasts in bed, hot cups of tea, phone calls to lonely relatives and clothes donated to charity, to name but a few. The acts varied in type and size, but...
Bede’s News 11 December 2020

Bede’s News 11 December 2020

Before coming into Teaching, I spent five years as a Design Engineer working for GEC Switchgear, designing equipment for electrical sub stations which was exported all over the world. I decided to give it up to re-train as a Teacher. My first teaching position was at...
Bede’s News 4 December 2020

Bede’s News 4 December 2020

The Christmas jumper day proved to be a great success. Pupils and parents were asked to bring in luxury food items to make hampers with the aim of giving a gift to struggling families. Pupils and form teachers agreed amongst themselves to bring in items and they put...
Bede’s News 27 November 2020

Bede’s News 27 November 2020

The Upper Sixth were given a helping hand this week as Mrs Gallagher ran a study skills workshop for them. She explained the importance of recognising what type of learner you were such as Visual (Spatial), Aural (Auditory-Musical), Verbal (Linguistic), Physical...
Bede’s News 20 November 2020

Bede’s News 20 November 2020

All this week we have been raising awareness of anti-bullying. The theme for this year is “United Against Bullying” to help support this idea the focus for the week during tutor time, PSMEE lessons and year group assemblies has been bullying and how it is important to...