
School Ethos

Faith in the Gospel is at the heart of St Bede’s College. All that we do is rooted in Christian values, every pupil no matter their faith or background is welcomed into the heart of this Christian family.

We view our school not just as an institution but as a vibrant community, driven by the Gospel spirit of freedom and charity. Our mission is to nurture young minds, guiding them to grow as compassionate individuals while shaping human culture towards the message of salvation. We illuminate the knowledge acquired by our students with faith, promoting goodness in the earthly realm and preparing them to serve the Kingdom of God.


Pupil Wellbeing

The College recognizes that young people face many challenges today. All of our staff work with pupils to promote wellbeing. (rephrase this in a positive way reinforcing the values that young people acquire at St Bedes)

A School for Life

St Bede’s operates a Christian-based holistic approach to our pupils’ wellbeing. Ultimately our wellbeing programme is the natural consequence of being Bedian. To be inspired, committed and grateful drives our whole community: parents, staff and pupils. (feels a little general and reiterative).

Virtue of the Month

Our Virtue of the Month programme, from Nursery to Upper Sixth in form time which helps pupils learn to live out Christian virtues like friendship and loyalty, respect, generosity and fortitude to name a few. We are excited that form tutors will now follow their tutor groups all the way through the uniformed school from Upper Third to Upper Fifth, so that our tutors will really get to know their tutorial pupils and their families, thus creating a very supportive network to assist with our pupils’ wellbeing.

PSMEE Lessons

Pupils are given the opportunity to learn about issues in the world which directly affect them in PSMEE lessons which will equip them with the tools to build resilience. Some of the topics include mental health and wellbeing, online safety, self-worth, complementing our PE department and Sports programme together with a healthy eating mindset in our dining provision. Heads of Year also run Pupil Voice meetings with their respective year groups which allow pupils to express their opinions on various matters on school life.

Harvard and Oxford Character Projects

We are delighted to be involved in the Oxford and Harvard Character projects with all Upper Third and Sixth Form pupils, which seek to develop pupils’ characters and leadership skills. We are pleased to see the Sixth Form pupils’ leadership skills developing in the Mentoring Programme through both Citywise and inside the school through the academic mentoring and Mental Health First Aiders Programmers