
Bede’s News 12 March 2021

22 Mar, 2021 | Bede's News

This Lent Myself, Miss Singleton and her Lower Fifth form are taking part in the Walk for Water challenge for CAFOD, involving walking 10,000 steps each, a day, every day, during Lent…. And we have made it halfway!! Last week In Bede’s News we included the story of Abdella: Abdella who lives in Afar, Ethiopia […]

This Lent Myself, Miss Singleton and her Lower Fifth form are taking part in the Walk for Water challenge for CAFOD, involving walking 10,000 steps each, a day, every day, during Lent…. And we have made it halfway!!

Last week In Bede’s News we included the story of Abdella:

Abdella who lives in Afar, Ethiopia – one of the hottest places on earth. Like hundreds of people in the area, he spends up to ten hours a day walking to get water for his family to drink.

He knows that if there was water near his home, his family would not have to worry any more about getting enough to stay alive. And he could start on the dreams he has for the rest of his life.

By walking for water, we can provide a solar powered water pump for Abdella’s community and give practical help to other families around the world who need water, food and shelter.

Read Bede’s News 12 Mar

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