
Bede’s News 19 June 2020

19 Jun, 2020 | Bede's News

Last year, a group of hardy and intrepid young people spent a rather wet and memorable night sleeping out on the Headmaster’s Lawn alongside Mr Lee Rodriguez and Mrs Hibbert in order to raise money for Cornerstone, in conjunction with their annual Big Sleep Out campaign. This year, like so many aspects of our lives, […]

Last year, a group of hardy and intrepid young people spent a rather wet and memorable night sleeping out on the Headmaster’s Lawn alongside Mr Lee Rodriguez and Mrs Hibbert in order to raise money for Cornerstone, in conjunction with their annual Big Sleep Out campaign. This year, like so many aspects of our lives, Cornerstone’s Big Sleep Out campaign has gone online and has been re-branded as the Big Sleep In. During the current pandemic and given the challenges placed on so many vulnerable people, the work that Cornerstone does in the community is more important than ever. Cornerstone is a charity which works alongside Caritas and the Diocese of Salford to provide support and safe and temporary accommodation for families and individuals who have nowhere to go and no one to support them.

Here at St Bede’s we are delighted to support Cornerstone and hope that you will take this opportunity to raise money for them, without leaving the comfort of your home. This year’s Big Sleep In is taking place on July 10th and Cornerstone are asking attendees to stay within their houses but to sleep anywhere other than their bed, as long as it is safe and complies with the current government guidelines in place for social distancing, protecting yourself and others from coronavirus. During the event, Cornerstone will hold a live webinar, educating the attendees about the work that they do and the challenges facing the homelessness and it will end with a 10am mass the next morning, hosted by Bishop John Arnold.

Read Bede’s News 19th June 2020

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