
Bede’s News 4 December 2020

4 Dec, 2020 | Bede's News

The Christmas jumper day proved to be a great success. Pupils and parents were asked to bring in luxury food items to make hampers with the aim of giving a gift to struggling families. Pupils and form teachers agreed amongst themselves to bring in items and they put together their form hampers. The hampers will […]

The Christmas jumper day proved to be a great success. Pupils and parents were asked to bring in luxury food items to make hampers with the aim of giving a gift to struggling families. Pupils and form teachers agreed amongst themselves to bring in items and they put together their form hampers. The hampers will then be transported to the Loaves and Fishes Charity who will then donate them to struggling families at Christmas.

Mrs Hibbert, our College Lay-Chaplain said ‘The response has been amazing and everybody has been so generous with food and money donations. This really will brighten up Christmas for a lot of families.’

The Bosco House team and Mrs Hibbert will be delivering the Hampers early next week. A huge thank you to all our generous Pupils, Teachers and their families.

Read Bede’s News Dec 4 2020

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