St Bede’s Prep Christmas News

St Bede’s Prep Christmas News

The build up to the end of term has been packed with song, dance, film, theatre and entertainment. It all started with the Key Stage One Christmas Concert “Lights…Camel…Action!” The Pupils were delighted to present this year’s production. A glitter ball and disco...

Prep 5 World War I Commemoration Assembly

The Prep 5 assembly this year focused on remembrance of those who lost their lives during World War I. The assembly started with a look back on the former pupils of St Bede’s who died during the war. They then presented a piece about Vera Brittain whose diaries as a...

Harvest 2018

Prep 6 led the whole school in this year’s harvest festival celebration, ‘Autumn Harvest’. The assembly used the cultural diversity of the pupils in Prep 6 to showcase how the harvest is celebrated throughout the world. Following a vibrant Bollywood-style opening...

European Day of Languages

The whole Prep School united in a fun-filled European day of Languages. The children and staff looked fabulous in their colours and costumes from around Europe. Everyone enjoyed a variety of activities throughout the day, celebrating many aspects of European culture...

Prep 5 Jodrell Bank 2018

On Tuesday Prep 5 set off for their annual visit to Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre. The children were very excited about the new facts they would learn and the investigations they would take part in. The first activity of the day was the “Destination Space!” workshop....