
Prep 5 World War I Commemoration Assembly

16 Nov, 2018 | Bede's News, Prep News

The Prep 5 assembly this year focused on remembrance of those who lost their lives during World War I. The assembly started with a look back on the former pupils of St Bede’s who died during the war. They then presented a piece about Vera Brittain whose diaries as a nurse during the conflict, in […]

The Prep 5 assembly this year focused on remembrance of those who lost their lives during World War I. The assembly started with a look back on the former pupils of St Bede’s who died during the war. They then presented a piece about Vera Brittain whose diaries as a nurse during the conflict, in which she lost her brother, fiancé and close friends, were published into a book “Testament of Youth”.

This was followed by a scene from “The Wipers Times” based on the true events where soldiers wrote their own newspaper from the trenches in which they ridiculed the military leadership and the politicians who sent them to war. The scene end ed with an anti-war song “Profit In Peace.”

Next the children performed a piece from RC Sherriff’s famous WWI play “Journey’s End.” which ended with them “Going Over The Top!” before performing “The Soldier” by Rupert Brooke. This was followed by “The Last Post” played by Mr Davies and a minute’s silence.

The assembly ended with a performance of “The Green Fields Of France”. There wasn’t a dry eye in the packed Academic Hall. Parents were enthralled by the wonderful performance of the Prep 5 children. They really were fantastic. They have worked incredibly hard in the build up to Remembrance Sunday.

The children gained so much from their preparation and performance; working and learning lines to a deadline, speaking and performing in public and learning about the bravery of so many men & women one hundred years ago including the many Bedians who served and died. They will remember their assembly. They Will Remember Them!

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