
YGG Anniversary Show

3 Jul, 2019 | Uncategorised

The College is looking for Alumni and former teachers who have been a member of the award winning ‘Young, Gifted and Green’, were you a member of the Prep or College Choir? or were you an Irish musician, singer or dancer in one of the shows, we are hoping to unite all former members for […]

The College is looking for Alumni and former teachers who have been a member of the award winning ‘Young, Gifted and Green’, were you a member of the Prep or College Choir? or were you an Irish musician, singer or dancer in one of the shows, we are hoping to unite all former members for one last show on Saturday 7 March. Have you got a favourite memory or photograph that you would like to share, it would be great to reunite as many of its former members, especially the twenty five members of the first troupe of performers in the photograph on the night.

The ‘Young, Gifted & Green’ Irish Music, Song and Dance show which began in 1995 will celebrate its 25th Anniversary in 2020. The award winning show which has raised over £200,000 for various charities and has appeared on countless TV shows including the BBC’s Blue Peter show and Songs of Praise, winning several awards and accolades from several people including the President of Ireland.

The anniversary show hopes to feature some of the stars from its previous shows which include the Lord of the Dance star and Alumni, James Keegan who appeared at the very first show in 1995 and has been a key member of the troupe along with his sister Louise Keegan and another Bedian Alumni for the last twenty five years.

Tickets for the show will go on sale to the public in October, but they will be available to the College and Prep parents and the Alumni in September. All the money raised from the event will be donated to The Christie Cancer Hospital.

Auditions for the show will take place next term and anyone interested in taking part in the show should contact Mr Hennigan. Any parent who would like to help sponsor the show should email thennigan@stbedescollege.co.uk . Any Alumni who would like to get involved in the show should also email Mr Hennigan as soon as possible.

Learn more from St. Bedes
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